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Energex – Changes to Metering Charges
July 4, 2015

What is happening?
Energex is implementing changes to how customers pay for individual metering connections and personalised metering enhancements/alterations from 1 July 2015 to align with National Rules set by the Australian Energy Regulator (AER). This will result in changes to how customers are charged for some metering services.
What are the changes?
From 1 July 2015 Energex will:
- Introduce a range of cost reflective prices for services where it can be identified that the customer requested that service, outlined by the AER.
- Introduce an ongoing Daily Metering Service Charge applied per tariff to cover costs such as meter reading and maintenance.
From 1 August 2015 Energex will:
- Introduce an upfront metering charge to electricity retailers for the installation of any new meter or where a meter needs to be reprogrammed. This is typically for customers who build new homes or request a tariff change (e.g.when installing Solar PV or connecting appliances to economy tariffs).
A full list of these services and prices are available on the Energex website below;