5 Questions About Solar Panels Answered

September 18, 2014
A Beautiful House with Solar Panel — Solar Power Services in Brisbane, QLD

1. Is my home suitable for solar panels?

To generate the most power from your solar panels, a north-facing roof with an angle of around 20-30 degrees is preferable. Most homes already tick both of these boxes, however if yours doesn’t the Apollo Solar team has plenty of solutions that we can tailor to your solar panel needs. Your roof should also ideally catch sunlight between 9am and 3pm in both winter and summer seasons.

2. What is the most effective way to set them up?

Depending on your roof size, angle, and surrounding shading, this may vary. However we will work with your roof to get maximum efficiency out of the available sunlight. The typical solar panel formation is a symmetrical linear layout that ensures each panel is collecting as much energy as possible throughout the day.

3. Have solar panels improved?

Solar technology has already come a long way over the past decade and solar panel size and energy efficiency is constantly improving. In 2012, solar panels converted around 15% of energy into electricity, and cost $1.30 a watt to produce. Now, lab tested solar panels are converting 23.5% of energy at $0.70 a watt meaning the future of solar panels is looking brighter than ever.

4. What is the typical timeline of solar panels?

After you get a free quote from us, installation doesn’t take long at all! We have an expert team to install the panels to your home or business, and they’ll walk you through the process from start to finish. As for the panels themselves, we have 25-year-performance warranties for all of the solar panel products we use, so we guarantee our solar products are of the highest standard. For questions about cleaning and upkeep, read on maintaining healthy solar panels.

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5. What does the future of solar look like?

Costs will go down, efficiency will go up, and solar panel will continue to be a great resource for natural energy. If solar is in your future, contact us at Apollo Solar: the Brisbane and Queensland solar power experts.

A Man Checking the Solar Panel — Solar Power Services in Brisbane, QLD